William Sirignano
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
B. Aero. Eng., Rensselar Polytechnic Institute, Aeronautical Engineering, 1959
M.A., Princeton University, Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences, 1962
Ph.D., Princeton University, Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences, 1964
Sirignano is interested in combustion theory and computational methods, fluid dynamics, multiphase flows, and propulsion and power.
His current research activities address the problems of the vaporization and burning of liquid fuels in very small volumes, turbulence-droplet interactions, distortion and breakup of thin liquid streams, flame spread across liquid fuel pools, and a study of combustion in high speed flows. The applications of the research include miniaturization of combustors, spray technologies, fire safety, and a new high-performance technology for combustion in the turbine stages of a gas-turbine engine.
Sirignano leads the Combustion, Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion Group and is the director of the Spray and Droplet Science and Technology Center at UCI.