Engineering Student Poster Winners Announced at Annual Samueli School Awards Banquet
Eight engineering students recognized for outstanding research project posters
On May 15, The Henry Samueli School of Engineering recognized eight student recipients of the 2007 Fariborz Maseeh Best Student Research Poster competition. Awards given in the “All Research Areas” category were presented to a biomedical graduate engineering team, Xiaofang Chen, Cyrus Ghajar, Craig Griffith, and Anna Aledia; a chemical engineering and materials science graduate student, Kevin Olson; and mechanical and aerospace engineering undergraduate student David Beerer.
In the “Energy and the Environment” category, reflecting the symposium’s focused theme, Behnaz Khakbaz, a civil and environmental engineering student, and Marc Carerras-Sospedra, a mechanical and aerospace engineering student, were honored.
Winners were chosen among 58 entries, as part of two engineering student poster sessions held during the School's "
Symposium guests and UC Irvine faculty were invited to view the posters, highlighting projects from all five academic departments, and speak with the participants regarding their focus areas.
Following the poster session, the student winners were invited to attend the School’s dinner and awards banquet, together with their advisors, which featured Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Michael R. Gottfredson, Ph.D., as the evening’s keynote speaker.
Fariborz Maseeh Best Student Poster Awards
David Beerer, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Poster Title: “Experimental Study of Ignition Delay for Application to Hydrogen and Syngas Fired Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Engines”
Advisors: Scott Samuelsen and Vince McDonell
Xiaofang Chen, Cyrus Ghajar, Anna Aledia and Craig Griffith, Biomedical Engineering
Poster Title: “Prevascularizing an Implantable Engineered Tissue Accelerates Functional Anastomoses with Host Vasculature”
Advisors: Steve George, Andrew Putnam and Christopher Hughes
Kevin Olson, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Poster Title: “AFM Image Reconstruction”
Advisor: Martha Mecartney
Behnaz Khakbaz, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Title: “Hydrologic Modeling for Flood Forecasting: A Distributed Modeling Experiment”
Advisor: Soroosh Sorooshian
Marc Carerras-Sospedra, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Poster Title: “Air Quality Impacts of Distributed Generation of Electricity in
Advisors: Donald Dabdub and Jack Brouwer