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UC Irvine students developing app to trace path, keep track of COVID-19 exposure checkpoints

ABC7 -
An app that has the potential to trace the path of COVID-19, while also maintaining the identity of the individuals who use it, is in the works at the University of California, Irvine. Instead of focusing on who contracts it, the app records that various places the virus itself presents itself, said junior specialist Tyler Ysaka, one of the co-creators of TrackCOVID. … "I tried to think about a design where you really don't keep up with the people as much as possible. You just keep up with the paths that the virus could take," Yasaka said. Read More
Government Technology

What’s New in Civic Tech: New App Traces Coronavirus Contact

Government Technology -
Developers have built a new smartphone app for tracing potential coronavirus infections. A team of researchers at the University of California, Irvine announced the tool this week, describing as potentially “instrumental” in the effort to trace and track infections, which is something governors have described as a vital step in reopening the economy. The tool is called TrackCOVID, and it is a free, open-sourced app that its creators say also ensures the privacy of those who are potentially affected. Read More
Becker’s Health IT

How healthcare is using tech to accelerate COVID-19 contract tracing

Becker’s Health IT -
UC Irvine researchers created a free smartphone app, dubbed TrackCOVID, which develops an anonymous graph of interactions by pooling user data every time an individual gathers with others or goes to a public place. App users can log their interactions and "checkpoints", or places visited, and the app anonymously links users' interactions as they congregate in the same places over time. Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 can anonymously report it through the app, which will notify users who may be at risk of exposure based on the graph of interactions. Read More
E&T Magazine

US Senator concerned about privacy in Apple and Google’s Covid-19 tracing tech

E&T Magazine -
One solution could be a new open-source app that permits contact tracing for potential coronavirus infections while preserving the privacy of its users. Developed by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, TrackCOVID works by creating an anonymous graph of interactions. Every time a person gathers with others or goes to a public place, he or she can use the app to log contacts by either hosting or joining a checkpoint, which allows possible paths of virus transmission to be discovered. Read More

New app uses QR codes to trace coronavirus exposure

Futurity -
TrackCOVID could be instrumental in this effort. The project appears in a paper published recently in JMIR mHealth and uHealth. “Contact tracing is the process of tracking down and isolating people who may have been exposed to an infectious disease after someone has tested positive,” says lead author Tyler Yasaka, a software engineer and junior specialist in otolaryngology at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine. … TrackCOVID works in a different way, he says, by creating an anonymous graph of interactions. Read Now
Medical Xpress

UCI team develops smartphone application for coronavirus contact tracing

Medical Xpress -
On Tuesday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom suggested that reopening the state's economy will require six steps, the first of which involves "tracing and tracking individuals" in order to identify those who need to remain in isolation. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine have developed a tool that could be instrumental in this effort. TrackCOVID is a free, open-source smartphone application that permits contact tracing for potential coronavirus infections while preserving privacy. Read More
IFL Science

Researchers Create Carbon Nanostructure Stronger Than Diamond

IFL Science -
"Scientists have predicted that nanolattices arranged in a plate-based design would be incredibly strong," lead author Cameron Crook, a UCI graduate student in materials science & engineering, said in a statement. "But the difficulty in manufacturing structures this way meant that the theory was never proven, until we succeeded in doing it." Read Now

He was building rockets. Now he's taking on America's ventilator shortage

As the coronavirus outbreak spread into the United States, Dr. Brian Wong, a plastic surgeon at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center, wanted to know what doctors on the front lines could do if they ran out of ventilators. In March, Wong organized daily conference calls on Zoom to brainstorm ideas with a couple of his colleagues, and they adopted the name Bridge Ventilator Consortium. Soon, medical professionals from all over the country began dialing in. … "I was amazed." Dr. Govind Rajan, an anesthesiologist at UCI, said. "They took all these ideas, synthesized them and they put it together very fast — which is what is critical right now." Read More
Science Tech Daily

“Stronger Than Diamonds” Carbon Nanostructure Designed – Reaches Theoretical Limit of Performance

Science Tech Daily -
“Scientists have predicted that nanolattices arranged in a plate-based design would be incredibly strong,” said lead author Cameron Crook, a UCI graduate student in materials science & engineering. “But the difficulty in manufacturing structures this way meant that the theory was never proven, until we succeeded in doing it.” Read More

New plate-nanolattices are stronger than diamonds

Futurity -
“Previous beam-based designs, while of great interest, had not been so efficient in terms of mechanical properties,” says corresponding author Jens Bauer, a researcher in mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of California, Irvine. “This new class of plate-nanolattices that we’ve created is dramatically stronger and stiffer than the best beam-nanolattices.” Read More


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