MAE 298 Seminar: Shaping the Future of Propulsion and Power Generation through Turbine Technology Development

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of the Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) Lab
Pennsylvania State University
Abstract: Propulsion and power generation technologies are at an inflection point of design innovation. Hybrid electric architectures are under evaluation and new fuels (e.g., SAF and H2 ) are sought to enable net-zero carbon goals. Moreover, the gas turbine engine is poised to remain at the heart of the innovation trend. Meanwhile, the desire to increase cycle efficiency is already introducing new challenges for modern engines as the turbine hot section components are exposed to ever-increasing hot gas temperatures. To address these evolving trends, my research is shaped by three primary thrusts: (1) The design and implementation of novel cooling concepts for hot section components; (2) The advancement and selected integration of new materials; and (3) The development and application of new measurement techniques. This presentation will review the current state of the art and motivate the need for turbine test rigs achieving high technology readiness levels. Examples leveraging industry and government funding will be shared to demonstrate the identified thrust areas through prior work, ongoing development and a trajectory for future research success.
Bio: Reid A. Berdanier is an associate professor of mechanical engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. In his current role, he oversees research in the Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) Laboratory impacting propulsion and power generation technologies for high-efficiency advanced turbines, with application to engine-relevant hardware for multiple gas turbine OEMs. Berdanier has particular interest in the development of new instrumentation methodologies and data processing techniques for integration with engine-relevant turbine environments. He is a fellow of ASME and the recipient of the ASMEIGTI Dilip R. Ballal Early Career Engineer Award; a Senior Member of AIAA; and a Strategic Advisory Board member for the Propulsion Instrumentation Working Group (PIWG). He earned a BSME from Syracuse University and a MSME and Ph.D. from Purdue University.