CBE Research Symposium
ISEB Auditorium 1010 & ISEB 1st floor
Followed by Happy Hour
Please save the date and join us for a daylong research symposium featuring oral and poster presentations by graduate and undergraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and research scientists affiliated with the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2023, via the following portal: https://forms.gle/oFvnQDYxata7WGLU9
Abstract Submission Now Open
Abstracts guideline: The abstract should include the significance, aims, approach, results and discussion, conclusions and references. The title, author's name and affiliation should be included. The word limit is 300. Please use the template provided.
Abstract evaluation criteria:
- Does the abstract include information on the following elements: significance, aims/objectives, approach, results and discussions, and conclusions?
- Does the abstract provide a succinct summary of results that support a conclusion?
- Does the abstract describe the importance of the contributions of the student’s work to one or more research fields?
- Does the abstract clearly describe the motivation behind the work, objectives, approaches taken, results, and how these results support a conclusion?
- Is the novelty of the methodology used and/or results from the student’s work clearly described in the abstract?
- Is the abstract written well enough to imply the likelihood of a quality presentation?