CBE Seminar (Zoom): Digital Experiences in Chemical Engineering - Video Games, Online Cheating and Podcasts

Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Registration Link for non-UCI persons: https://forms.gle/xNwq7wJ8Caw876WM6
Abstract: ChE education is rapidly evolving through access to high-quality digital communication. In this talk, I will discuss leveraging digital communication methods toward applications in ChE education, as well as the academic integrity challenges enabled by online access. In the beginning of the talk, we will examine process safety decision-making and the advantages of using virtual environments to provide students with realistic decision-making experiences. The second topic of discussion regards the prevalence of instructor-generated exam problems appearing on “tutoring” websites and offers best practices for instructors to combat cheating through online resources. Finally, we will close with a look at the use of podcasts for communication of engineering topics to varied audiences.
Bio: Matthew Cooper is an associate teaching professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University. He currently serves as past-chair of the ASEE National ChE Division and also as a program evaluator for ABET. Cooper has won a number of teaching awards, including the North Carolina State University Outstanding Teacher Award and the ASEE Ray W. Fahien Award. Cooper’s research interests include effective teaching, engineering communication, process safety and professional ethics.
Host: Assistant Professor of Teaching Daniel Knight