CEE Seminar (Zoom): Pathogenic Microorganisms in Wastewater and the Potential Human Health Risks with Implications of COVID-19 Outbreak

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor & Chair, UC Irvine
Zoom Link: https://uci.zoom.us/j/596211068?pwd=VVJ4UFhuUnhybGpHS3EyM1FKZExSQT09
Abstract: A large number of pathogenic microorganisms are shed in human feces and are present in high concentrations in sewage influent of wastewater treatment plants. They include pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa and even worm eggs. While the sewage treatment plants are designed for efficient removal of bulk organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphors, pathogen removal was not one of the design criteria until the more recent requirements for water reuse. However, there is still a lack of adequate technologies to monitor pathogenic microorganisms in wastewater treatment processes and their removal efficiency for public health protection during water reuse. This presentation first gives a broad overview of pathogen removal through wastewater treatment processes, with an emphasis on connecting the characteristics of pathogenic organisms and disinfection needs. The second part of the presentation will offer some insights relating to the recent outbreaks of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV2 based on the characteristics and the transmission mode of the virus and other related coronaviruses.
Bio: Sunny Jiang is a professor of environmental engineering in UC Irvine's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering with a joint appointment with the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in environmental processes, microbiology for engineers and desalination & water reuse. Jiang has over 20 years of experience in environmental microbiology research and is a leader in the field of water quality, pathogen detection, microbial risk assessment and membrane biofouling. She has authored over 70 research publications in the field of environmental microbiology. Jiang received her Ph.D. in marine science from University of South Florida and completed her postdoctoral training with Rita Colwell at the University of Maryland. She is a recipient of several honors and awards, including the Excellent Research Mentor Award and the Sacket Prize for Innovative Research. During her spare time, Jiang enjoys outdoor activities and has completed eight full marathons and many half marathons. essornmental Engineering with a joint appointment with the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Jiang teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Environmental Processes, Microbiology for Engineers and Desalination & Water Reuse. She has over 20 years of experience in environmental microbiology research and is a leader in the field of water quality, pathogen detection, microbial risk assessment and membrane biofouling. She has authored over 70 research publications in the field of environmental microbiology. Dr. Jiang received her Ph.D. in Marine Science from University of South Florida and completed her postdoctoral training with Dr. Rita Colwell in University of Maryland. She is a recipient of several honors and awards including Excellent Research Mentor Award and Sacket Prize for Innovative Research. During her spare time, Dr. Jiang enjoys outdoor activities and has completed eight full marathons and many half marathons.