CEE Seminar (ZOOM): Generalized Bathtub Model of Network Trip Flows

Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CALIT2)
Institute of Transportation Studies
UC Irvine
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Meeting ID: 912 684 8538
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Abstract: In this seminar, I will present a unified framework for modeling network trip flows with general distributions of trip distances, including negative exponential, constant and regularly sorting trip distances studied in the literature. In addition to tracking the number of active trips as in Vickrey's model, this model also tracks the evolution of the distribution of active trips' remaining distances. I will derive four equivalent differential formulations based on three conservation laws. Then I will discuss the properties of stationary and gridlock states, the integral form of the bathtub model with the characteristic method, and two numerical methods. I will further present equivalent formulations and solutions for two special types of distributions of trip distances: time-independent negative exponential or deterministic. I will conclude with potential extensions and applications, as well as the relationship to the classical model of epidemic dynamics.
Bio: Wenlong Jin is an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at UC Irvine. He holds a bachelor's degree in automatic control from the University of Science and Technology of China (1998) and a doctorate in applied mathematics from UC Davis (2003). He’s interested in transportation modeling and control, based on behavioral principles, mathematical analysis and control theory. Jin has made systematic contributions to network kinematic wave theory, capacity drop and lane-changing models, connected vehicle systems theory, and green driving strategies. He is on the editorial board of Transportation Research Part B and an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems and Transportmetrica B.