MAE Conference: Frontiers of Fluid and Thermal Sciences in Aerospace Engineering

Abstract: Modern developments in fluid and thermal sciences have had a tremendous impact in many aspects of aerospace engineering. The aim of this conference is to bring together leading experts in key areas of fluid-thermal sciences as pertain to aerospace engineering. Day one will include invited talks from leading experts in the fields of fluid dynamics, combustion, thermal sciences and propulsion. Day two will feature a special government panel presentation and discussion with program managers from the National Science Foundation, Los Alamos National Lab, Air Force Office of Scientific Research and NASA on topics of their respective research portfolios.
The objectives are to review important past achievements, examine recent progress and help chart future directions. For more information and early registration (deadline Aug. 22), see the conference website:
Sebastien Candel, Ecole Centrale Paris
Said Elghobashi, University of California at Irvine
Ahmed Ghoniem, MIT
Anthony Jameson, Texas A&M University
Ann Karagozian, University of California, Los Angeles
Ed Law, Princeton University
Moshe Matalon, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Dick Miles, Texas A&M University
James Tien, Case Western Reserve University
Forman Williams, University of California, San Diego
Vigor Yang, Georgia Tech
Richard Yetter, Pennsylvania State University
Government Panel moderated by Daniel Livescu (LANL)”
Harsha Chelliah, NSF
Scott Jackson, LANL
Chiping Li, AFOSR
Jeff Moder, NASA